I'm not keeping accurate records because emptying the gauge when I race outside between squalls hasn't been high on my list. I did set up another 50 gallon barrel to fill, though. Might as well retain this free water. My sandy soil means that we have no puddles anywhere, unless you count the 1/4" one that formed in the middle of the compacted path for an hour or two.
It's not just gray skies and rain, though. No, we got a Real Storm, complete with lightning and thunder and -- hail! (And weeds.)
Just in case I'm not being enough of a geek Californian, a close-up!
One actual downside of the wind + water equation is that I'll need to shore up the shelling peas when the storm cycle passes. I hope no permanent damage is done. Not, for instance, like my oldest child picking all of the immature peas because she thought they were snow peas, no, nothing like that.
Wow, lots of rain! Like you said, might as well catch some of it, though. I was just thinking about how y'all were making it out there in CA.
Wow! That's impressive rain. They reported here that they had evacuated parts of Cal. because they were worried about mudslides. Stay dry!
We just don't know what to do about *Real Weather* here do we? :>
I think we've had about 4-5 inches of rain here since Sunday, at least that's what the local paper says, I don't have my own gauge. It feels like it's been a lot more.
The peas will probably be ok, if you have to you can cut them down to a couple of feet or less and they'll put out new shoots.
Lots of rain! Should be welcome though in your dry state.
I agree that Californians freak out on weather...but..this weather really is strange. The storms have been very short and very strong. We've had thunder and lightning and hail several times this week at my house. Very glad we live on a large hill, cause some people have gotten flooded.
That is a nice bit of rain. I much prefer the gentle downpour to the all out storm. Though we got a lot of both here. Stay dry!
I'm so jealous! I'm in the Bay Area too but I just can't seem to get stuff to grow well until March. Love getting the rain and even the odd weather, but I'm ready for spring now! (and so are our poor chickens)
Oh my! I'm having flashbacks to our early summer here in Maine with all that rain. But we didn't have the violent storms bringing wind, lightning, and hail.
Good ide to try to harness the water mother nature is giving you.
That is impressive rain - particularly the "weed" rain in the second photo! Is that like "raining cats and dogs" - only "raining weeds and insects"?
You are getting a downpour like we usually get in the winter months (I live close to a rain forest mind you!). This year the El Nino is splitting the normal jet stream so you guys are getting it instead of us. We still seem to be getting a reasonable amount of rain - just not the biblical proportion kind.
EG, it is. The good part is that the reservoirs are filling up. The bad part is that folks will think conservation is for the birds. Oh well.
Ribbit, some bits are sliding right off of their hills and cliffs. We're too flat for that.
Michelle, I know. We're better than Southern CA, though! I remember the last El Nino cycle. Wet, wet wet.
Dan, I am grateful. It's a lot at once, though.
Jackie, someone close to me has gotten somewhat flooded. Maybe I'll talk her into posting.
Daphne, thanks. As I lie in bed right under the roof, I'm daily grateful for a sound top over my head. Some of our windows and doors sort of leak, though. Old house.
Badgerpendous, welcome! I've always read that winter is the easiest time to grow things, but I think the trick is to start them in the summer (except for peas and favas). I'll come check out your blog.
GrafixMuse, you're right! You had such a wet summer. I hope we get a real summer this year. I don't think we did so much in the past couple of years. Here's to sunshine.
kitsapFG, that did occur to me this morning : ). Maybe the weeds are just helped a LOT by the rain. It sure keeps me from getting out there and pulling them. Some of the tiny grasses are setting seed -- aaargh. I was going to prevent that this year. It's true El Nino silliness. Days and days and days of rain. Seems to have genteled a bit. I'm getting concerned about the bees.
Hail and wind have always been our garden nemesis as well, doing the most damage to our gardens...usually in the spring. I hope your peas make a full recovery, they are a very resilient crop.
I'm envious of your cool pluviometer. Hail is always a cause for celebration in our house. We have pie tins of it in the freezer. Could you eat those immature peas?
It's been a while since I've dropped in for a visit. Looking back at all your wonderful wet wintery pictures makes me pine for warmer days in the garden. It's almost time to start seedlings indoors though, so that will put a smile on my face. =) Try and stay dry!
I'm quite envious of your rain - we've had quite a dry winter here - but not of the storm and the hail. It's good you can catch some of it, because there will be dry weeks and months to come!
Ouch! Sorry about all that rain, reminds me of my tomatoes when hurricanes with friendly names like "Gerturde" and "Isabel" come and visit. Hopefully your weather will turn around. I have been meaning to visit your blog for some time and tonight I abandoned anything drudgery related and poured a glass of wine and am surfing! Nice job, looking forward to reading more.
As exciting as the rain has been for me, I loved yesterday's sun. WOOHOO! Also, I live right along the edge of the Station Fire burn, and watching the mountains melt is frightening . . ..
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