The kids tried on a bee suit, smelled frames of wax and pollen and honey, and asked lots of questions about bee keeping. A couple allowed as to how much they'd like to keep bees. Maybe. You never know what might grow with kids.
A few apricots might grow in my yard.
The bees must have spent some time with the tree. This apricot hasn't really come into its own. I don't know how many years to give a tree before determining it's not the right tree in the right place. At least a few more, I suppose. The front yard apricot trees might provide useful back up.
Wonderful! I haven't heard of anything as cool as chickens and bees at our local school, just the standard police & firefighters, LOL - If you ask me bees and chickens are way better :)
Good for kids to learn where their food comes from, and as you say, you never know what spark you set off! If your peach tree already has some fruit-set, surely it can't do too badly, ours aren't even in flower yet!
Very cool! It's also good for the kids to see there's nothing to be afraid about when it comes to bees.
Very good! I just know the kids enjoyed them...
I would have been enraptured by the chicken and bees - but we never got anything nearly as fun as that in school demonstrations when I was a kid (which was a LONG time ago! LOL!)
Erin, this is a cool school, all schools considered. Remember, though I live in the land of self-consciously cool Waldorfy/Montessori people.
Heiko, we do seem to be a month or two ahead of you. Must be elevation.
Ribbit, they were a little freaked out. But a couple wanted to come over, so maybe. I did tell them they could pet drones, so now I have to find some dead ones for them to look at.
EG, they were far more enthusiastic than my own children! Familiarity and all that.
kitsapFG, I still am more excited than my children, and we didn't get anything that exciting either.
I remember being enthralled by the bee keepers that came to our school when I was maybe in the second grade. It was memorizing. What a wonderful thing for you to share! <3
Um... that should've been mesmerizing. Ooops. =)
Oh wow, my kids would love that. What school is this that has such a healthy food connection? Lucky kids!
Oh, that is so cool! Lilah's preschool has a "bee man" coming in next month one day to do a presentation, and I'm so excited. I've been showing her your bee posts, because she's fascinated. (The other day, we were reading a magazine about butterflies and I read "Butterflies spread pollen from flower to flower" and she said, "Like bees do!" Hee!)
Are apricots one of those trees that takes forever, like avocado trees? I think I remember they take years to fruit.
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