Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scenes of Winter

The month was so dry, and so cold. . . some plants persevered. . . some withered under the conditions.

It's difficult to believe that this pepper might pull through. I haven't pruned it back yet, just in case.

But spring can only be waiting to pop out, now that we've had a few good days of rain.

It's a gardener's discipline to let these tender spears alone; but this isn't the year for an asparagus harvest.

Today was a good day to transplant "Viroflay," "Gigante d'Inverno" and "Bloomsdale" spinach. Then, learning my lesson, I went back inside and promptly seeded another flat full.

What are you anticipating?


Curbstone Valley Farm said...

It was ridiculously cold this December and January. I was grateful for the rain, just so the garden could warm up a little (although less than 7 inches all at once would have been nice :P ). I still have some spinach and kale overwintering under row covers, although I admit I'm afraid to look under the covers for fear the last cold snap might have been too much. On the upside though, between dodging rain showers this weekend, we did plant artichokes for the first time. I can't wait for our first homegrown artichokes! In the meantime, I might follow your lead and sow that next flat of spinach...

Stefaneener said...

CVS, I'm only sowing inside because nothing I plant outside sprouts, at least not when I want it to (later, yes. . .).

And that reminds me that I forgot to put out slug stuff. Wonder if there will be any spinach left?

kitsapFG said...

We had a round of winte this past week or so, but we are close to the turning point - Imbolc (on Feb 2nd - grandhog day) where we hit the mid point between winter solstice and the spring equinox. This means we have turned the corner from the most dark days of winter and are heading towards noticeably longer days with increasing sun strength - the gardens and gardeners can rejoice!

Anonymous said...

OK, you've inspired me. I brought home 3 empty 6-packs whose lettuce was chomped. I just ran downstairs and threw some spinach seeds into them. I'll leave them on the heat mat in the basement until they sprout and then put them on the porch swing with the onions. I have NO luck with direct seeding spinach.


Stefaneener said...

kitsapFG, thanks for reminding me. I get so incredibly depressed these years when the light is low -- much more than before. I'll try to hold on to your hopeful words.

Brigitt, I'm in trouble, garden-wise, I think. So much to do. Nothing I've direct-seeded did well. I think I rely more on the rain in the winter than I should have this year. Good luck with your spinach!`

Just Jenn said...

Hum. I usually try to direct seed my spinach in the garden but haven't had much luck with that. How early (before you last frost date) do you start spinach indoors? I'd like to actually grow some! I didn't have a single sprout last year. =(

Stefaneener said...

Jenn, remember where we are! We have very little frost, and almost no hard frost. Just a week in January or so.

I seeded them. . . four? Five? weeks before TP - they had nice 1/2" wide true leaves, if that helps. Now I need to go and water them a teensy bit.

Just Jenn said...

I move away for ten years and I forget! It's nice to not have frost. ;^) Though I was wondering how long before transplanting so you answered my question anyway.

meemsnyc said...

I'm hoping this year that I can harvest my first asparagus. I have had the plants for 2 years and patiently waiting.

Heiko said...

Winter has finally arrived with us too, so hope we won't be evacuated from our crumbling house any time soon! I'll be sowing my toms, peppers and aubergines this week as it's the right moon phase. Hope they won't freeze on my window sill.

Stefaneener said...

meemsync, I was just figuring today that even at full production, there won't be many meals from my asparagus bed. I'd need 3x as much to really fill my asparagus desires. It's great that you've been so patient. I hope mine is rewarded next year!

Heiko, you have had it seriously rough. I'll be sowing the peppers and tomatoes this week also.