Tuesday, January 3, 2006

In with the new

Not a lot of knitting activity today. In between holding the baby and chasing the others around, it seemed that every time I sat down to knit I was interrupted. What is it about the sight of a mother enjoying herself that triggers a hunger response in a child?

I can't just knit on the Clock Vest, either. I have to think every pattern row through carefully, because as I've pointed out before, it's not the kind of sweater I can coast on. Not much reading during this one. So look at the earlier picture of the vest here and you'll pretty much know where I am now, barring a row or two.

I did get the tree out of the living room and sweep up the evidence, including the ants that were after something under it. Notice the little o-ring marker in the sweepings? I shed markers like I'm deciduous. Next Christmas I'm asking Santa for a few packages. I like using all different kinds so I can differentiate between patterns, for example, rather than knitting pattern A for pattern B occasionally becoming a mite confused.

And the tree is still down in the back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, a tree in your living room! Well, now your yard wil seem bigger.