Friday, December 17, 2010

December sprout - now pictured!

She was born yesterday, at 3:30 or so in the afternoon. A beautiful home birth, with her whole family gathered around.

This beats pulling Bermuda grass all hollow, in this aunt's opinion.


Unknown said...

Aw! Congrats Auntie!!

Erin said...


el said...

Ah, how wonderful!! Winter babies are so fun to nest around.

Curbstone Valley Farm said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful holiday gift!

Julie said...

We need pictures of this newest gardener! Best wishes to you and your family (particularly the latest addition)

Stefaneener said...

I'll extend thanks for Denise!

Erin, thank you too.

el, you're right. We all wish we were a teensy bit more ready for the holidays -- but it's going to be a work-around time, I think.

CVS, she is indeed a nice little present. (And I'd specifically thought a little girl would be just the ticket.)

Julie, you asked, you receive.

Heiko said...

She's a beauty!

chaiselongue said...

Beautiful! Congratulations to all the family.

Kristin said...

Welcome to the world! Congratz!!!