Angry bees, one pathway to my shirt and thence my face, then another round where I left the front of my hood completely unzipped -- it was a bad day in a friend's hive today.
I'm pretty discouraged.
Boot camp is going to be serious fun tomorrow -- my left thigh has a matching swelling. Maybe I'll quit beekeeping and let the feral hive do my pollination.
1 week ago
Oh dear, you look as bad as Annie did when she got stung by a yellow jacket! Got Benadryl?
Benadryl and ibuprofin. I'm sore and tired.
The above post was before we knew we needed bee suits. Feel your pain.
Oh my, that looks awful and probably feels worse. I'm sure you've been stung before, is this the first time you've swollen up like that? I wouldn't blame you for giving up the hives if that is what's in store with every sting. I hope the benadryl provides a good night's sleep and that the world is right for you in the morning (other than the hellish sounding boot camp - been there, done that, never again...).
Oh no! How awful that you are so beat up by bees. I hope the benadryl and ibuprofin helps with the pain and swelling.
Ugh, sorry to hear! I hope you are recovering quickly!
Ugh indeed. *hug*
Hope you feel better soon!
Oh, ow.
Uhg! Poor thing! I'd feel discouraged too. I hope you don't give up though. Good luck at bootcamp...oh you are a stronger woman than I!
Thanks, all. Tabitha, the sad thing of course is that I do use a suit. Just not well that day.
Michelle, I always swell badly on my face and my hands. The rest of me just itches. It's an allergy, but so far not a serious one. Boot camp isn't that bad, actually, except for the running faster than I want to part. . .
GrafixMuse, thanks. I feel a lot better today.
Erin, just itchy.
Ruby Louise, hey there. I'm better now.
Suzee it is a ridiculous thing, no?
Kendra, I'm going to go get the honey today. Maybe that will help.
I hope you swelling goes down quickly. That can't be fun.
On Thursday I thought I detected swelling in your cheek but it was down considerably since your photo. Poor dear. You work so hard--and for that?
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