Or, I could use my favorite method and freeze them.

I've discovered that each of my ice cubes holds roughly 1/2 of a standard sized egg. So I beat half a dozen at a time, sprinkle them with about 1/2 teaspoon of salt (I'm all about winging it here) and pour them into the tray.

If I knew that I wanted to only make cakes or something, supposedly I could use sugar, but I don't mind salt for any applications. After they're hard frozen, I pop them into a freezer bag and use as needed. If I'm using them in baking, I let them thaw of course. Usually I do if scrambled eggs are called for, but not always. I have thrown them onto the skillet frozen, and scrambled them as they thawed in the pan. Whatever works!
So now, if the refrigerator egg count goes over 24, I try to freeze some. This also prevents me from having a custard attack and eating something ridiculous!
That is a GREAT idea! I wish I kept chickens to put it to use. :D
I enjoy how you begin new things. You get in there and "do it" without procrastinating or taking too much time to figure it out. You get it done, and it works.
kisapFG -- maybe if there's a killer sale some time?
Kristin -- this has the feel of the woman at church who "compliments" me on the fact that I have enough self-confidence to leave the house looking like that (essentially; she uses different words). But thanks for the thought -- jumping in really is my style.
I never knew you could freeze eggs. That might come in handy if my girls ever start laying...
Who knew you could freeze eggs?! Great tip.
I'm interested in the pepper/pasta dish you commented about. Do you roast the peppers first, add tomato sauce etc??? Sounds good!
Michelle, it's sort of counter-intuitive, but it works a treat. I'm sure they'll start some day.
Jackie, it's a nice thing to have on hand. I hate buying eggs!
Dan, I don't remember exactly what I said. If I eat peppers and pasta, it's usually sweated onions in olive oil, pepper slices cooked until they're soft, sometimes some tomatoes cut up, sometimes a ladle of tomato sauce, and then it's served over pasta with parmesan. Pretty simple, really, pasta povera-style. Email me if I said something about some wonderful thing I had planned!
Great idea, and thanks for the reminder and preservation link. We need to think about preserving a few of our own eggs pretty soon.
What smart idea! Fresh eggs from your own chickens is a real treat. You are lucky. And you've figured out what to do with excess. Hurrah.
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