This weekend, among other events, it's:

Yes, that time of year again! The kids and I have put in a good couple of days cleaning up -- tomorrow we'll be shoveling mulch -- and Eric and now Kevin have really rocked the new, fancy coop. I think everything will be ready by Sunday.
I even made art.
Sunday afternoon, I'll be standing outside, talking to whoever makes the trek around town to view chicken coops. Since I learned a little bit last year, I'm going to make and post directional
and informational signs, recruit helpers so I can get a drink or visit the bathroom at least once, and plan to eat takeout or crock pot food that night.
Being me, however, I have to drive back from a four day homeschooling camping trip to do this. I'm going to need that trip to destress from getting ready for the trip.
The weekend after next is the Middle School Ultimate States tournament. . .
I'm looking forward to June.
Oh, Stefani. Nice to know some things never change. Enjoy your busy May!
Congrats to your frisbee champ! I'm looking forward to the tour photos. Maybe I'll see if my visiting parents want to do the tour.
Sounds like you're all set. Hope all goes well!
Should be a really fun day and now that you know what to expect you have your plans in order so you can get a small break now and again. I hope the weather is fine for you and that you have a great (but relaxing!) day. :D
What FUN! I don't think I told you I've been getting backyardy eggs from Soul Food Farms along with my eyeballs-open chickens, and want to die and go to heaven with each poached egg on toast.
Have a great time at tournament number 2! Last year they came in second, but this year's team has a LOT more players. Good luck to them!
It was nice seeing you on the chicken tour. The garden and coop look great!
Eric's right. You do over schedule yourself, but you manage to get it all done and more. I'd like to request a private tour to see your new red coop and layout.
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