Case in point -- the gals made a run for it through a stretched-out place in the wire last week:
Conveniently, the salad garden bed is right in front of their coop.
They made the most of it. I shored up the pen, at least temporarily.
Two sisters, two urban gardens, and a question: How much of our families' food can we produce ourselves? Moving toward sustainability on urban farms
Oooh, a new coop. How exciting!
I bet they were eying the salad green garden bed for a while before they found a way out. It was taunting them.
Oh I'm sure that made them very very happy. Growing a salad garden on the other side of the fence must be really tempting.
LOL, maybe my herding dog WILL have a job after all, once we get chickens... I'd make a run for it too with all that beautiful lettuce!
That's what mine do given half a chance. I'm sure the neighbours have a hoot watching this woman chasing after the chooks. Your hen has her eye on something...
LOL, I'm sure my garden girls that reside in the middle of our veggie garden sit there plotting which crop to attack when they break free. Who can blame them? Your lettuce looks very inviting, and not just to a chicken :)
meemsnyc, yes it is. Now to finish the fencing and turn the ladies out into it!
Grafixmuse, you're right. It was my fault. I think I'll put up a barrier for the new pen.
Daphne, it's not that close! No more tempting than the rest of the garden, I hope. Well, okay, maybe it is close.
Erin, our dog would dearly love to play with the birds. He play bows and boofs to them, but so far they're having none of it. I bet yours will be terrific. The birds would enjoy being able to roam, and you'd get to eat your own lettuce!
Janet, we are only here to amuse.
CVF, I think they're smart. Smart and evil.
I love how the hens are so tricksy about getting at items of interest. We herd them so that they can graze the walk ways of our garden, but if you turn your back for one second... they are into the kale and broccoli in a heartbeat! You have to admire their persistence and focus!
We use a 24" green fence around our veggies. For some reason, the chickens don't jump it. Not sure they can tell how high it is.
The Cast, mine can go over a 6' fence. I think it was the turkeys long ago that taught them. . .
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