Gather a fourth hive of bees from friends leaving the hobby, at night, using straps to hold the hive together for the drive home.
It's clearly "seat of the pants" beekeeping.
Then we like to celebrate someone's 6th birthday with coffee and breakfast out:
Followed by a really long walk home, necessitating changes of ride:
Then we might eat something from the garden. This is leek, feta, and lemon quiche:
And today, we topped it off by marching in our hometown parade. It's the kind of parade where half the town is in the parade, the other half watching. Fun, and tiring:
Happy holiday, everyone in this country.
Beautiful pictures for a beautiful day. Just love the dog.
Looks like your family had a wonderful holiday weekend.Love the dog picture. All sprawled out, exhausted, and enjoying the coolness of the floor on his belly. LOL!
My kids call that the "Berner Chicken Legs", ours did that right up until the bitter end when he was 9 years old, how DO they do that?!!
Looks like a fun and relaxing day!
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