It's a fun pattern to work on, and one that I'm proud of assembling. My only concern is running out of yarn. This gorgeous green is, I think, from a bag labeled "wool yarn, 100% virgin wool mill ends hand knitting yarn, mill ends from one of America's most famous mills, brunswick yarns - pickens. s.c. 29671," and there's a circle with "1 lb. bag" in it. Wonder if I could find another bag of the same stuff? My wondrous yarn teacher in Tennessee gave it to me, and it must have been old then. The type face looks like it's from the 70s or early 80s. Ebay? What would you suggest?
If, after weighing the back and the remaining ball, I don't think I have enough, I'll just have to (urgh!) buy enough yarn to make it fully. After the baby pullover cuff fiasco, I don't relish the wondering and racing at the sleeves kind of feeling enough to repeat it.
It turned out to be a great day for knitting, because the weather was bizarre, going from "cat and dog" rain to this:

It cleared up and became warm and sunny, in keeping with the bipolar weather gods. All four Things and I rode the bus (great adventure when you're under 10 or so) to the library so I could insist that I had already returned the books they were currently fining me for. Of course, the books weren't in the library, so they refused to put them under "claims returned" status, which gives me one year to produce them, and just renewed them for an extended period.
I did return two large bags of books to the great-but-far-away library this week. I guess I'll call them tomorrow and see if someone is scratching their head, saying, "Why do we have four Henry and Mudge books from another library system hanging out here?"
I love the sweater pattern. It looks like fun to knit.
I'd try tracing more on ebay or contacting the source, but if you can't get it maybe get the closest match you can and do the sleeves in that. Fingers crossed you've got enough.
yes, that sweater is going to be wonderful. fwiw, there were lots of results on ebay for wool yarn brunswick - it is a great color.
I can't tell you how many times I've returned books and been fine anyway. Could the books have been returned and sent to another branch? Of coures, that makes it hard to find it and say "see? here it is."
Breathtaking! I love it, as will the Thing.
What about making it short sleeved? Oh! Or you could anticipate her teen years and make it belly-baring!
Bwahahahahaha. Gosh I'm funny!
If you can't find any of the yarn on ebay, make the sweater short sleeved or 3/4 length sleeved. Make it a v-neck?
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