HA! Blogger just ate my post, before I got to publish. I feel so. . . so. . .experienced now! I recreated what I remembered.
"It's another lovely day,
Just another lovely day,
With work to do
And play to play,
Just another lovely day."
I'm pretty sure that song is on one of the Tom Chapin CDs that we own. If you don't like children's music, you might like his. Brother of Harry, the songs are nice, and only sometimes overly preachy.
The lyrics also describe how I'm feeling at the end of today.
The dog is doing very very well. Vet check yesterday, no sign of infection and he'll go back in a week for stitches out. He's cruising the table and counters for food and even running some.
The bees -- I opened the hive yesterday and have some questions. The workers are building comb on the foundations but I didn't see any capped cells or eggs. I'm going to do it again in a couple of weeks. Thing 1 is my Bee Tour photographer, but I haven't downloaded the latest batch yet. I'm feeling a little lazy.
Today started with an all-neighbor breakfast. I brought brioche cinnamon rolls, hot from the oven. Mmmmm. Lots and lots and lots of kids, good neighbor talk/gossip, a great way to start the day.
Soccer game for Thing 2, to which we all went. A friend of ours and her son are coaching another under-6 team, and the players are just so cute. Our team had a time focusing on anything but the lizards, but finally I promised to bring my kids back another day just to hunt lizards, so the game could commence. Thing 1 went off to a production of the Two Gentlewomen of Verona, with her wildly indulgent aunt and uncle, and the rest of us noodled on home.
I got to run. This makes three weeks in a row that I've done my workout as planned. I don't want to count this chicken before it hatches, but I'm excited.
Easy dinner, some vigorous Crazy 8s, and the kids are all in bed. It wasn't that everything was sweetness and light today (thank you, Matthew Arnold), it was just . . . whole. Thing 3 lost it before bed, and it was okay. I dealt with the fit without needing to get into his business about it. Thing 2 had her issues throughout the day, and the house still isn't where I need it to be to feel settled. But it's okay. Instead of knitting, I think I'm going to follow those children into bed. Days like this don't come around too often -- I want to cherish this feeling.
20 hours ago
It sounds like you had a fab day.
Keep up the good work on the workouts!
Mmm...brioche cinnamon rolls...
Where was I? Oh, yes, very happy that Mack's vet visit went well! And very impressed with your dedication to running. I myself am an exercise video person, and I've been quite consistent lately.
Thanks for sharing the details of your lovely, full day. Glad your doggy is a bit better.
Glad to hear Mack is doing well. It's way hard when they hurt!
And thanks for coming by and cheering me up about button bands.
Such a lovely day, indeed. The world without constant rain is a wonderful, delightful, incredible place to be.
Glad M is getting back to his old snarfle-y self. And can't wait 'til we face off against T2's team - thanks for the great pics!
What a lovely day! Climbing into bed can definitely be the end to a perfect day. As long as the cat doesn't scratch on the door 10 minutes after you've gotten completely comfy.
Whole days are the best ones of all.
I hope that the feeling lasts.
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