So it seems appropriate to clean out some space, mentally as well as physically, to help us negotiate our responsibilities. It's also important to have fun.
So this isn't just a series of children playing the charmingly-named "Butts Up," it's also an acknowledgment that a series of weekends coupled with a lot of effort from both Eric and me made a huge difference.

Here's the "before" shot -- it was a lot like knitting a sleeve.

No movement despite frantic effort, no movement, pile as big as it was before, wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow, sneezing, shoveling, sweeping, and then, like it meant to do this all along, it was gone.
Now our back yard is almost completely mulched, although we could have done with either a few more wheelbarrow loads or me not piling it on so thickly. I hope it will cut down on the tracked-in dirt, but that's probably a vain wish, really.
I had fun, too. Eric and I try to get out for a run or walk on weekend mornings and have coffee alone. This morning, Thing 4 came -- early rising will get you treats, sometimes -- and we decided to have coffee right by my friend's yarn store. And hey, she just happened to be having a morning sale!

This is meant for a shockingly pink sweater for Thing 4 -- I sure hope she wants to wear it more than the yellow tulip sweater I made for her. The color is, alas, accurate on my monitor.
And this will be a sweater for me.

I think the silk will give it a lovely drape and I'm excited about tweed now, since working with the yarn on my sister's sweater. I'm really looking forward to it. Thing 1 has made "I'm stealing that" noises, but she'll probably have moved out of the house before I get to it! All I have to do now is decide what shape to make. I tend to wear rectangular ready-to-wear sweaters, and I'm not at all curvy. I could copy a favorite,rectangular, wearing-out zip cardigan, but I think it's the color of that one, not the shape, that is the selling point.
Any suggestions for a sweater pattern that gives the illusion of a waist?
Good for you two - all that hard work paid off! It looks great.
I love the yarn for you - what about a simple shape, like the Hourglass sweater?
Butts up! We have something called "bums in the air," but that's different.
Beautiful yarn for both of you. When I gave Olivia a chance to choose yarn for her hat last winter, she headed straight for that very color. It hurt my eyes but she loves it.
I just finished Poppy and it gives me a waist (I have the same problem). And the Hourglass Sweater should work too, huh?
I have to say I like your yarn better :) You'll have to wear sunglasses when you knit with the pink!
Gorgeous accomplishment on the home front--it's so nice when you can make a big difference like that.
Hourglass sweater is pretty fun (I chose too-scratchy-to-wear yarn for mine, sadly, so it's languishing in the closet). What about Simple Knitted Bodice?
that's some pink! I love to see that Thing 1 is still happily playing with siblings in recent posts. Our first Thing is, too, frequently but briefly.
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