Now all to do is go 'round and 'round the body and the hood. Note to self: saying over and over again, "I must buy two more balls of Cashmerino Aran to finish that hood," and yet not actually ordering them from anywhere does not the yarn procure.
The disc there represents Thing 1 and her lovely Ultimate tournament today. Only intermittent rain, and unfortunately not enough light for crisp pictures. Definitely worth getting up in the wee hours for.
Oh, and one other point! I love, love, love getting comments, and can't express how much I appreciate every single commenter. I really can't express it, because of the way Blogger sends comments on to me. Unless you have a link for emailing on your blog, I can't get a way to respond to you personally. I assume you know who you are. . . So anyhow, please send me your email so when you comment I can send a fawningly grateful (and hopefully funny) thank-you to you!
May I be the firstcommenter to say how much I enjoy your blog! I've been quiet of late because of work overload but an avid reader nonetheless!
The sweater is looking very cool - reminds me of Ernie and Bert.
Not sure if you have my email or not so here it is:
So... when you sign in for blogger comments using typekey, does it give you our email addresses?
if it doesn't, you can't answer can you... here's my blog url instead, just in case:
inquiring minds that are successfully avoiding work want to know.
I love the sweater!
That quirk of blogger is really annoying. I think old blogger sent you the email address so you could reply easily? I think I remember just hitting reply and emailing commenters back, but maybe not. Now that I have to click on the profile and email from the blog, I'm much likely to have the time to do it!
The sweater is looking good! Just keep thinking, "One more stripe...I can do one more stripe" and it'll go faster. (not really...but it can't hurt!) I love comments too. I won't leave my email here (includes my last name - don't want it to be public), but just come over and leave ME a comment! I have a new blog name and design. :) Oh, and...I enjoy reading your blog, so keep on writing it!
I don't know if my name shows up as a link, but my blog is:
Yay! Two sleeves! It always feels so satisfying to get to this point, and watch it grow longer and longer with each stripe. :0)
Ha! You're actually procrastinating about buying yarn, whereas I feel like it happens so fast it's purchased of its own accord. My email is rm090195 at gmail dot com in case you want it going forward!
we beat the other team! and got up really really early to do so.
Hey, Anonymous? You're a frisbee stud. Keep it up.
Love the sweater..great colors.
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