While I was out slicing pineapple, and all other family members were elsewhere, one child to another: "Brother, brother!"
"Please don't be crazy about Pokemon."
"But I am. There's nothing you can do about it."
"But girls don't like Pokemon."
"Some girls do."
"[Other sister] doesn't."
"Yes she does. She likes Pikachu, and Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Miu."
Maybe it's the fact that I graded like a whirlwind today -- 32 papers and counting -- that made that so funny. But maybe I can earn a quiet evening finishing a sock toe. A gal can dream, at least.
1 week ago
Thing 4?
Things 3 and 4, in fact.
Sounds a bit Seuss-y to me, especially squirtle. Hee hee. Funny Things!
A quiet evening?!? What are those like again? :)
Too cute!
32 papers? Yuck! You make me feel a little guilty about the pile of marking I have to do before school goes back. But hey, I need a break!
Kids are so funny!
I think the world should be grateful I'm not a teacher...by the time I got to the 32nd paper I'd be like yeah, yeah, yeah, check.
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