In a previous life, I studied counseling psychology and had to take a lot of tests. Personality tests, intelligence tests, tests of psychosis, etc. While scoring low in psychosis, I tended to score high in what was called divergent thinking -- thinking out of the box.
Do I still put this trait to use, lo these many years later?
You know I do.
Exhibit A: gingerbread house pre-assembly, without uniform pieces.
If I can keep the dogs from snacking until that icing sets up, these little A-frame cabins are going to be turned right side up and hidden until tomorrow, when the decorating will begin.
This year we'll have a detail-minded eighteen year old, five other people, plus a three year old around the table. Should be interesting.
Wildflowers of McLaren Park: Iris douglasiana
22 hours ago
Food is cheap and plenty of choices. Singapore is food paradise. Everywhere you walk you will find food courts. For SG$10-12 you will have a real nice meal. SG$5-6 cost me a rice dish with prawns.
Singapore is very small and every area is connected by a subway station. There are Indian restaurants located in "little India" and you can easily reach there within a few minutes by a subway train.
I didn't know about this special background of yours. Did you wear a lab coat while you constructed your experiment? How did you 'control' the dogs from eating them?
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