But whatever will I do when the pumpkins are all harvested? See the powdery mildew? It's only a matter of time.

I know! Variegated sage?

No, rosemary.

Oh, here's the best idea. I'll use someone too small as a model.

I'm also all about the tubes lately, as I have a fun little project out of handspun on the needles, but I don't want to show that one until I'm all done, really. It should make a nice picture show.
And we bought three turkeys yesterday, destined for the holiday table, and I killed my first chicken today. It wasn't a lot of fun, but it was doable and I don't really want to talk too much about it.
I need a nap, though.
Jesus. Will you be taking on cattle, too?
You are so heroic. Sometimes I can't believe you let wimps like me be your friend...but I'm glad you do.
The sweater is lovely, as are all the models!
Oh, how droll you are.
Not only am I not moving on to large mammals, I'm rethinking this whole "omnivore" approach. Eeesh.
But I have to tell you, the broth I made today smells pretty nice.
Yeah, I think I'd need a nap, too. Your sweater is looking great.
Oh, good, another entry for my "100 reasons I wouldn't cut it as a farm wife" list :)
Love the orange, both in sweater and pumpkin form. And lovely model!
Oh, I love the sweater progress! Maybe it's the time of year, but I'm so loving the orange!
You are a brave soul.
I love the colour of your knitting. I must make something with orange; it's one of my favourites!
We went to see Nubian goats today. No matter how much I begged Mr. Yarn would not give in. My neighbor and I are plotting for the chickens though. With the snow here the coop would have to be heated.
I can NOT believe how big the kids are getting!!!!!
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